'The river delights to lift us free if only we dare let go'
Richard Bach, Illusions
Acupuncture is a path to rediscovering your inner sparkle. A journey to well being through emotional strength, spiritual peace and physical health. When you sleep well you feel better, when you are pain free you move easily, when stress and anxiety are reduced you can think clearly and when you have energy you can live wild and run free.
I have always wanted to help make people happier and I believe that acupuncture can play a role in that journey. I want to help you find joy and sparkle in your life again and am particularly interested in your emotional world and the impact this can have on your physical as well as mental health.
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese system of health that considers you as a whole person; mental, physical, spiritual and emotional. By working with the whole body to stimulate your own healing mechanisms acupuncture can help you feel like yourself again. I am based in Waterside House in Penryn, Cornwall Hilary Thorn
Waterside Clinic
Waterside House Falmouth Road Penryn TR10 8BE See Clinics and Prices page for more information |
If you'd like to find out more please either use the form below or the following details
Call me: 07977 426 284
Email me direct: [email protected]
Call me: 07977 426 284
Email me direct: [email protected]